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COVID-19 Transportation Protocols

Posted Date: 08/24/2020



Morning Route:

Students MUST have a mask on before entering the bus.

If students do not have a mask one will be provided for them.

            Students WILL upon entering the bus:

                        Clean hands with sanitizer

                        Have their temperature checked 

                                    Temperature will only be recorded if over 100

            Students with a temperature of 100 or more will not be allowed to stay on the bus

                        Parents will be notified of the student not riding the bus.

                        Elementary students who confirm no one is home will be put on the bus 

                        and brought to school and taken to an isolation room.

                        Middle School and High School students will be sent back to their house.

                        Unless special arrangements are made.

            Students WILL have assigned seats

            Students will be seated with siblings in family groups

            Students will be spaced out as much as possible


Arrival at School:

Students will be dropped off at designated doors for bus students only


After ALL routes:

All buses that were used will be thoroughly sanitized.


Preschool Loading

All buses will be thoroughly sanitized before and after

            Students will have assigned seats 

            Students will be spaced out as much as possible


Afternoon Loading

Students MUST have a mask on before entering the bus

            Students will have assigned seats

            Students will be seated with siblings

            Students will be spaced out as much as possible


Extra-Curricular Activities (sports, trips, etc.)

            Students MUST have a mask on before entering the bus

            Students will have assigned seats

            Students will be seated with siblings

            Students will be spaced out as much as possible


** This protocol was created based on the current conditions and guidelines.  Changes to these may cause these protocols to be adjusted.